Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Lillianna Mae Videos have arrived!

This first video of Lillianna Mae was taken in her first moments. After the initial "scrub down" and some urgent care procedures, she finally got into her mama's arms.

I have more videos to share and will share them as time allows. Enjoy!


Cathy Jo said...

She is so beautiful. She sort of looks like James did on his first few days home from the hospital. Remember the one where I have a thermometer in my mouth? Anyway, if I can find a copy I will send it for you to see. She definately has the "Collingwood" nose. In other words, she looks like her daddy (at times). Her nose, by the way, is beautiful. I have that nose too!
Love Aunt Cathy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Joy and Tom! I was so excited to find your blog and see that your baby girl was born. She was early! She looks so cute and little in the video. You must have your hands full with the baby and relatives visiting. When things calm down I would love to hear all about the delivery and Lillianna. Hope to talk to you soon...Noelle :)