Thursday, November 1, 2007

It just keeps getting better!

After 4 days of our new life with Lillanna, our hearts melt every time we see her. Of course she sleeps most of the time (except overnight), but the lack of sleep is a small price to pay for such a beautiful gift. Tom has been taking more pictures than we will ever have enough albums for, but that's ok with us.

This morning we had Stanley Steamer come out and clean all of our carpets. While they were here, we thought it would be a good time to take Lillianna for her first "stroll" around the block. Getting out and walking on such a beautiful and sunny day was quite refreshing after spending 4 days in the hospital and a couple of days at home inside. Lillie slept through the entire stroll, but it was nice to get out and expose her to some fresh air.
Joy's family will be with us for a couple of weeks longer. They have been a huge help around the house and it's fun to have them around during our little paradigm shift.

Tom had class tonight (Professional Wedding Photography), but was back home by 9pm following a quick trip to Walgreens to pick up some prints. We typically print our own photos and enlargements, but when we just need some standard 4x6 prints, it's so much easier and quicker to upload them and then run down and pick them up an hour later. When Tom has more time (ha ha ha..yeah right!). He will crank up the Epson 2200 and print some larger versions of our favorite Lilly pix for framing (will we ever be able to afford picture frames again?)....diapers?...frames?...diapers?...frames.?... Such decisions.

Here are some new photos. Some from the hospital as we prepare for the trip home, and a few from home as we transition into this new life the good lord has provided for us. Enjoy!

Our last day at the hospital. It won't belong 'till we're oughta here!

Lillianna just wanted to fit in with the staff.

Here cute coming home outfit. Though she slept through the whole thing.

Uncle Ryan bought her the cute little pink bear.

Car seat?...Check! (Yep...still asleep)

Still sleepin'

Heading out...Our first family walk around the block.

An unfortunate sign of the times.
'Nuff said.

God's precious Miracle.

Pope Lillianna (actually she should be called poop Lillianna)


Cathy Jo said...

Tom and Joy,
Lillie is beautiful! I wish I could just hold her, and give her auntie kisses. You both seem to be doing ok (even with the decrease in sleep). Keep up the good work. Enjoy her now, it won't be long before she is no longer a baby...They grow so fast! You will love every stage that she goes through (except the one when she is 15 yrs old). Keep those pictures coming! Love Aunt Cathy

Jennifer (Fern) said...

Like my mom said... every stage my kids are at is my favorite stage! I'm sure it'll be true for you too! She looks so precious! I love how angelic babies are when they're sleeping! Has shee gained any weight yet? She looks so tiny! (My girls were never tiny)

Unknown said...

Does anyone else think that little Lillie looks exactly like Bernice Archibald? Which I suppose would mean that she looks just like her Daddy.

That's what I'm seeing at least.

Tom Archibald said...


You hit it on the nose! Joy and I both thought the exact same thing the moment she popped out! Funny!

Uncle Tom

Jennifer (Fern) said...
