Joy's step-brother, Michael
Michael's wife, Jackie
The next day, we left for the long drive to Bend, Oregon. None of the roads were plowed and it was definitely a mess. Most areas required chains and several major interstates, highways and mountain passes were closed, so we decided to drive south to Eugene, OR and take the Willamette Pass, which is further South and was in much better condition. The drive usually takes around 6 hours...it took us 10. The worst was between Seattle and just south of Portland, around Salem, OR. Once we got south of Salem, the roads cleared up until we got onto the Willamette Pass and we then had snow again from there to Bend. We arrived in Bend at 11pm Sunday night, Dec 21st. Hooray - we made it!
We had a great time in Bend...lots of beautiful snow and tons of family! Nieces, nephews, cousins, siblings - lots of family came to Bend for the holidays. I'm sure you've had enough of my rambling now, so I'll tell the rest in pictures...