Thursday, March 29, 2007

And so it begins...

Okay, it's official. I am now starting to feel the bad side of early pregnancy! Ha! I have been EXTREMELY tired lately and have an upset stomach most of the time. I haven't had any major nausea (thank goodness!) - just a general queasy feeling most of the time. It makes it difficult to want to eat anything.

The days seem to be dragging by SO SLOWLY but I know someday I will look back at this and be shocked at how quickly time passed. Each day I look at my pregnancy books and journals and think "I'm only one day closer? We still have 240 days to go?".

Well ... I realize this blog is probably incredibly boring, but there isn't much else to share right now. Here are some pictures of some things we've picked out for the nursery. We haven't bought them yet, but they've gone on the "baby list":


Changing Table with Hutch:

Close Up of Leap Froggie Bedding Set:

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My turn - though not much to update

Hey gang - this is Joy.

Okay, since Tom has done all the posting thus far (I'm not very good at keeping up with things like that), I decided it was time for me to post here goes.

Things have been pretty quiet around here. I've just been spending my days relaxing with all the puppies and keeping up with some of the Web Shack work. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous lately (in the 80's yesterday!!) so it's been great to get outside and enjoy the backyard again. The birds are attacking the feeders in full force - it seems I'm filling those bird feeders every day now. We've had lots of Juncos, Chickadees, Sparrows, Mourning Doves and Cardinals. Can you tell I like to watch the birds? I can't wait for the spring birds to arrive.

Tom and I still can't believe we're expecting a little one this fall! It just hasn't sunk in yet. So far, I haven't noticed many changes - only some cramping and a little bit of nausea a couple times, but other than that, nothing seems different. Sorry if that's too much information. :) I'm sure everything will be VERY different before too long. As Tom mentioned in an earlier post, our first ultrasound is scheduled for April 4th (next week). We should hopefully be able to see the "little bean" and maybe even see the heart beating! I'm not sure that we will be able to hear the heartbeat yet - I don't think it's far enough along for the Doppler to pick it up. I think that day will be a big eye-opener for us. Then my first appointment with my OB-GYN is April 20th.

We've been doing a lot of "window shopping" for the nursery. We've picked out so many things we want to get and it's so tempting to want to rush out and buy everything now, but we have 8 months to prepare and can't blow the budget on everything now! Mortgage? Who needs to pay the mortgage? I want to buy a crib! Ha,ha!

At this point, we have decided that we will not find out what we are having - we want it to be a surprise. Who knows - at some point down the road, we may change our minds, but at this point we prefer to be surprised the day of delivery, so we've chosen a neutral nursery theme - yellows and greens with a garden or pond theme (frogs, turtles, dragonflies, butterflies, etc.).

Hmmm ... what else? There's so much I could ramble on and on about! At this point, we haven't received an exact due date from our Doctor, but based on our own calculations, it should be around November 20th. We may be eating Thanksgiving Dinner in the hospital this year! What an amazing thing to be thankful for this year, huh?

Tom is continuing his night classes at Hennepin Technical College for Professional Photography - he goes 3 nights a week (Tues - Thurs). Between working, Web Shack and school - I don't know how he does it! It will be so wonderful when he graduates and we can begin focusing on the photography business. All I can say is there should definitely be a lot of pictures of this little baby!!

Well, I guess that's everything for now. It's such big, exciting news and yet there seems like there isn't a lot of new information to share. We'll keep you posted on the little "pinto bean" (apparently the little one is currently the size of a pinto bean). There's a ticker at the bottom of this post that shows how far along we are.

Take care and God Bless!!

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The House is so Quiet

We have our first ultrasound on April 4th. We are excited about the mere confirmation of what we already know. Otherwise everything seems ok thus far.

After a month of having family in the house, Mom Lamolli and Grandma have returned to their home up north. The house is soooo quiet. We'll miss the "Westerns" on the tube that would play 'til the wee hours of the morning as grandma would stay up past all of our bedtimes. Some things never change! Grandma has also been our laundry queen for the last month...again, some things never change.

Our web business is going bonkers with new business lately. We are also trying to finish several web design projects. We are keeping up, but have not yet managed to keep ahead of the game.

Tom is on Spring Break from Photography School. It's nice to both be home in the evenings, if only for the week. Next week the madness returns.

That's all for now.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to our Blog! We have been meaning to post something here for quite some time and haven't. Now, we have a pretty good reason to post. We have learned that we are expecting our first "little one" in November. No, not our 7th dog!! We'll stay at 6 for a while in that department. We are excited at our news of a real live baby coming our way in the late fall. We're thinking that Thanksgiving week would be good.

We have much to do to prepare for this adventure. Painting, shopping, making more lists of possible names...more shopping.

We can't wait for our new world ahead to begin. It may be a long nine months.

Check back with us. perhaps we might even keep up with this.