Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lily Has a New Toy!

Now that Lillianna is standing on her own and likes to "walk" with help, Mommy and Daddy went shopping after church today to find a new walking toy. We found it! Lily LOVES to walk behind her new toy, pushing it across the living room. Daddy says he's getting her prepared to mow the lawn next summer!

Uh-Oh ... look out Bella! Kitty tails are no longer safe now that Lily is mobile!

And back to some more crawling and posing for the camera. She KNOWS when a camera is around and likes to smile and pose. What a ham! Now who does she get THAT from?!?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Lily Update

Since it's been so long since our last post - and Miss Lily grows and changes so fast - we thought a "Lily Update" was in order.'s the latest on our little Lily Bug...

Lillianna has a total of 4 teeth so far - 2 bottom and 2 top. She has 2 more top teeth that are starting to poke through....and that has NOT been fun!

She has quickly advanced from crawling (which she now does at warp speed) to pulling herself up, standing (even on her own with no support!) and cruising while holding on to furniture, couches, etc. She's testing her balancing skills by letting go and standing on her own for longer and longer. At this rate, who knows, she may be walking before long!!

No real words, yet ... at least not that we can identify. She repeats sounds and babbles a lot - things like "Dat", "Babababa", "Mamamama" but I think these are just sounds and not actual words because she says them randomly and they don't seem to be associated with anything in particular. It's still adorable, though!!

While still our tiny little peanut, Miss Lily is still growing by leaps and bounds. At her last appointment a couple months ago, she was just over 14 pounds and 24" long. She's in the 15th percentile for weight and the 60th percentile for length. She has another appointment at 1 year (in a month) so we'll see how much she's grown!

Of course we HAVE to end a Lily post with some more Lily pictures!! Here are a few of the latest Lily photos...

Chapin Family Reunion's been a while since our last post, hasn't it? Summer is flying by way too fast - is it really almost the end of September?

This summer kept us really busy as my mom and I planned the first Chapin Family Reunion. This was a reunion of all the decendants of my maternal great-grandparents (my mom was a Chapin). We planned a large reunion in my mom's hometown of Pequot Lakes, Minnesota. Almost 100 relatives came from all across the country!! It was a lot of work and took many months to plan, but it was definitely worth it - we had a blast!

Lily was, of course, the hit of the reunion. As the youngest member of the Chapin family, she basked in all the attention.

We had a great time in Pequot and loved meeting so many family members we didn't even know we had! Hopefully we will do this again!

Chapin Family Reunion
August 23-24, 2008
Pequot Lakes, Minnesota

Decorating and getting ready the night before...

The Reunion - Day One

The Reunion - Day Two